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ShareLedger Concepts

Proposal Module

A blockchain proposal is a formal request to change the network's rules, parameters, or operations. Anyone with a stake or voting power in the network can submit a proposal voted on by the community. Proposals can range from technical upgrades to changes in the network's economic model or governance structure.

In the Cosmos ecosystem, the Gov module provides a framework for creating, submitting, and voting on proposals. The Gov module allows stakeholders to participate in the network's decision-making process and help shape its future development. Proposals submitted through the Gov module can include changes to the network's parameters, such as the inflation rate, block size, or transaction fees, as well as changes to the network's governance structure, such as creating a new governance body or the distribution of voting power.

The Gov module operates through a delegation model, where stakeholders can delegate their voting power to trusted individuals or organizations to vote on their behalf. The Gov module allows for a more efficient and representative decision-making process, as smaller stakeholders can pool their voting power with larger stakeholders to have a greater impact on the outcome of proposals.

See the gov module for more information.

Distribution fee transaction breakdown

In the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem, the block reward consists of the block provision and transaction fees. But in the ShareLedger blockchain, because we set currency inflation equal to 0, the block reward in the ShareLedger blockchain is the transaction reward itself.

validatorpercentage of the block reward validators will receivestring (decimal)
sl_dev_fundspercentage of the block reward will go into the ShareLedger development fundstring (decimal)
builderpercentage of the block reward will distribute for the master builder liststring (decimal)
string (decimal)percentage of the block reward will go into the contract owner's addressstring (decimal)
builder_windowsthe block window we use to calculate the total transaction for each contract owneruint16
tx_thresholdtransaction threshold which we register the master builder title for each contract owneruint16

Master builder: smart contract owner whose total interact transaction in builder_windows is higher than tx_threshold

Note: sum of validator , sl_dev_funds , builder , contract_owner must equal 1.0

Fee distribution flow

First, when the validator proposes a new block, validator x block_reward will go directly into the Cosmos distribution module to distribute the rewards to all the validators. After that, depending on the transaction types of each transaction in the block, we split the remaining rewards into two separate pools:

  1. wasm_feepool
  2. shr_feepool

wasm_feepool: feepool for all transaction that interact with the CosmWasm module.

shr_feepool: feepool for the remaining transaction in the ShareLedger blockchain.

wasm_feepool = (1 - validator) x total_wasm_fee

We distribute all tokens in this feepool as below:

sl_dev_funds x total_wasm_fee to ShareLedger development fund.

builder x total_wasm_fee distributed evenly to the master builder list.

contract_owner x total_wasm_fee to contract owner's address.

shr_feepool = (1 - validator) x total_shr_fee

We distribute all token in this feepool into the ShareLedger development fund address.

Smart contracts

As a digital identity blockchain network, smart contracts are essential to our platform. They enable the creation of self-executing contracts with predefined terms and conditions that are fully transparent and tamper-proof. Our smart contracts operate on an "if-then" logic, which means that when certain conditions are met, the contract executes automatically, ensuring that the terms of the agreement fulfill without the need for intermediaries.

Our digital identity blockchain network offers a secure and transparent way to manage and verify digital identities, and smart contracts are a critical tool in achieving this goal. Smart contracts can serve various applications, such as digital identity verification, authentication, and access control. For example, a smart contract can verify a user's identity, authenticate their credentials, and grant them access to a particular service or resource.

Furthermore, our smart contracts are interoperable, allowing them to work seamlessly with other blockchain networks and applications. ShareLedger can integrate with other systems and platforms, expanding the reach and usefulness of the platform.

Our platform offers a secure, transparent, and efficient way to manage digital identities, and smart contracts are a critical component in achieving this goal. We will continue investing in developing smart contracts and other blockchain technologies to provide the most secure and reliable digital identity platform possible.

Full node/partial node

In a blockchain network, a node is any computer connected to the network that participates in the validation and propagation of transactions and blocks.

There are two main types of nodes:

  • Full nodes
  • Partial nodes

Full nodes

All the information on the entire blockchain network is on the node.

Full nodes validate transactions and blocks, maintain a complete copy of the blockchain, and broadcast new transactions and blocks to the network. Full nodes play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of the blockchain network since they are responsible for validating and propagating transactions and blocks. They can also help prevent malicious attacks or network disruptions.

These nodes are costly to host and maintain. A blockchain network requires at least one full node, and adding more nodes improves the system's redundancy.

Partial nodes

Only some of the blockchain network information is on the node.

When the partial node is accessed, it can still retrieve information about the rest of the network, but the partial node communicates with the full node, which provides it with the transaction and blocks data as needed. Partial nodes are lightweight and efficient, ideal for mobile devices and low-powered computers. However, partial nodes do not contribute to the validation and propagation of transactions and blocks, which means that they do not play a direct role in maintaining the security and integrity of the blockchain network.